Stephanie Flores is an award winning art director & designer currently working at GMMB based in Chicago. 😊

Art has always been a part of my identity ever since I can remember. I grew up dancing, playing instruments and never missing an art class. After going to Bates for Studio Art and Rhetoric and then SAIC for Graphic Design I found myself at Walker Sands building a strong foundation as a designer. I am currently at GMMB using my design and art direction skills to create positive change for people in the US and beyond. I am an innovative, detail-oriented, solution-driven art director who understands the need to create purposeful campaigns to captivate a targeted audience. I use my unique training as an artist, writer, and designer along with my unique view of the world as a WoC to find new ways of pushing boundaries. I strive to create a world where campaigns are inclusive of all individuals and is limitless in its ability to transcend.


Clients I’ve worked with :)