Calm in the Chaos

Challenge: Marylanders feel they don’t need health insurance because it’s too expensive, they believe don’t need it, or life is too crazy to worry about getting it. The goal was to convince our audience to sign up with low-cost options.

Strategy: This campaign used health insurance to take some of the crazy off Marylanders’ plates. We know life can be crazy. Whether planning for a new baby, getting laid off, or moving to a new state, life can feel chaotic, but MHC can help alleviate the stress. The campaign illustrated moments of chaos through different assets, alleviated by having health insurance.


  • Nearly 214,000 Marylanders enrolled in a private health plan—a 17% increase

  • Black enrollment is up 33%

  • Hispanic enrollment up 30%

  • Young adult enrollment up across categories

  • Maryland Health Connection

  • Phillip Allen, Creative Director
    Stephanie Flores, Art Director
    Allie Babin, Copywriter
    Olivia Widel, Designer
    Isaiah Walker, Designer

  • Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, XD



Radio Spots

These radio spots targeted the general Maryland population and a Commander’s fan base. We wanted to reach our younger audience and our older traditional radio listeners.

OOH Video


WRAP | Act Like it


MFH | Keep What Matters