Not A Moment Wasted

Washington Department of Health is an organization focused on collaborating with organization around Washington state to protect and improve resident’s health.

Not A Moment Wasted is a campaign within the organization that targets young adults, ages 18-25, to avoid using alcohol and other drugs to cope with their struggles (stress, anxiety, depression, etc.). By sharing practical skills that help young people prioritize their wellness and practice healthy coping, manage, and respond to emotions, and stay connected with others.

The client wanted a set of videos that gave the audience tangible skills they could use to manage their struggles in a healthy way. Alongside my copywriting partner, we came up with three different videos that focused on sleep management, stress coping skills and a meditation video. Our goal was to create informative videos that grabbed our audience’s attention long enough for them to stay and listen. After creating the overall aesthetic of the videos, I worked with producers and VO talent to insure they met our vision and stayed on strategy. These videos were then shared on social media platforms as well as their website.  

  • Washington State Department of Health

  • Art Director

  • Illustrator, Photoshop

Engage Your Senses

30 second meditative video to help relieve anxiety.

Sleep Better

15 second video on tactics that can be used to sleep better.

Skills for Coping

15 second video giving advice on skills to cope with stress.


Driven to Protect | Brand Refresh


Think Baby | Strolling Thunder Campaign