Parents can’t be everywhere

Up & Away is a campaign focused on reminding English/Spanish-speaking parents/caregivers of kids 3 and younger who are preoccupied with getting through the day to remember to keep medication and vitamins out of the reach of young children by reminding them how easy it is to prevent hospital visits by keeping medicine safety top of mind.

The client wanted a video that reflected the campaign and style of last year with an updated scenario. A video was created that felt relevant to moments in time where medicine can be mishandled, in this case unpacking for a vacation and leaving the pill bottle laying around. The cutout photography animation style was maintained to keep campaign consistency. The audience responded well to a more humorous approach to a serious topic by having a baby POV with our parent being a character the same size of the pill bottle that pops onto the screen in a dramatic way.

  • Consumer Healthcare Products Association

  • Art Director + Designer

  • Photoshop


Maryland Health Connection | Health Insurance You Can Live With Campaign


Missouri Foundation for Health | Medicaid Campaign