Crying Out for Change

Think Babies was founded by ZERO TO THREE to create a national focus of the potential our nation’s babies can have through five key policy areas. Strolling Thunder is a yearly event hosted in Washington DC used to bring the five policy areas to lawmakers’ attention. Given the inability to have the yearly in-person event due to a pandemic, the team pivoted and created a stunt that would be executed around the Capital building. A large digital baby-monitor designed billboard was created on a car that drove around the National Mall playing various ads. Along with the stunt, I created a full social media plan to get families from all 50 states to “cry out for change”, the same day the stunt was happening using Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok.  Our team organized events to have students and their families see the digital billboard in real life and post on social to further awareness. Lastly, the production team filmed the truck with the baby monitor driving around the Capital to gain further impressions and make a re-sharable video. At the end of this campaign, the stunt got thousands of social impressions.

  • Think Babies

  • Art Director + Designer

  • Illustration, Photoshop, XD





Strolling Thunder got an honorary mention in the Integrated Marketing Campaign category.


WADOH | Not a Moment Wasted Campaign


Maryland Health Connection | Health Insurance You Can Live With Campaign